Book Giveaway for January!

This month’s book contest features the “Just Tell Her to Stop: Family Stories of Eating Disorders , by Becky Henry.


This fascinating book offers a different perspective on eating disorders.  If you have experienced disordered eating, or have children who might be susceptible, it’s a must read.  Parenting a child in today’s world, which is focused on controlling food, food addictions, setting up bizarre behaviors with food, binge eating and food struggle, isn’t easy.  It’s a food focused and foodcentric world.  This book helps you understand the struggle for control.

Two ways to win!

1.  Go to America’s Weight Loss Catalyst Facebook Page by clicking here and hitting the “Like” button.  You’ll be the bonus of tips and motivation every morning from the facebook page!

2.  Visit any other blog post right here on this site and post your comments, opinion or questions.  We’re always happy when you share the blog posts by using the buttons at the bottom of the page too!

You get one entry for every action you take!

Share the Catalyst experience on social media and you’re automatically entered to win this month’s book:  Just Tell Her To Stop: Family Stories of Eating Disorders by Becky Henry!


2011 Guess My Exercise Numbers Contest!

As the last few days of 2011 whisk by, it’s time for our annual contest where YOU guess how many exercise sessions I completed this year.  The winner will receive a set of Catalyst products, including workbooks and CD audio classes worth $295.99, that will illuminate the journey to permanent weight loss!

For anyone who’s new to this blog, I’m a proponent of non-diet, permanent weight loss through true lifestyle change.  After all, diets are temporary ways to eat, while changing behavior and the deeper needs for food are modifications that last forever.

My weight loss is close to 90 lbs. and my weight loss will be sustained 12 years on March 13, 2012!

After years of battling excess weight and yo-yo-ing up and down the scale, (more…)

Snacking Hinders Weight Loss?

I’ve noticed a trend in the experience of my clients as they lose weight permanently.  Many of them experience fewer cravings, faster weight loss and are more in touch with their hunger and their bodies when they do not snack.

What?  Doesn’t that go against common diet advice?

Yes, it does.

But my own permanent weight loss of close to 90 lbs. was accomplished by breaking just about every rule touted by “diet world.”  I don’t put much stock in “rules”, especially when so little of the weight loss from those rules results in long-term change. (more…)

Holiday Eating and the “Buzz” Foods

I made a big discovery in the land of permanent weight loss yesterday.   Even after maintaining my weight loss for five years (which signals “permanent weight loss” in the medical community), I still struggled at holidays.  And, in my coaching practice, clients bring their struggles into their coaching sessions and holidays are often a very tough time for them when they are addressing their excess weight.

Now, however, 12 years into maintaining weight loss, this holiday season is remarkably different.

Instead of forecasting and planning, which I once felt helped me (more…)

Two Keys to Permanent Weight Loss

My two favorite things are change and commitment.  It wasn’t always that way.  In fact, I’m laughing out loud as I write those words.

Before I learned what it took to alter my weight permanently, change felt really scary and even threatening.  I never committed to anything.  Oh, I said it did, but I wasn’t reaching any of my goals, so now I know I wasn’t committed to anything.

In those days, I usually decided to diet in the evening, after eating too much all day, and, by 10 a.m., I’d have blown my diet.  Every day began with hope and ended in regret.







I liked to gather all my willpower for the latest fad diet, then lose 10 lbs and regain 15.

I studied books, diets and nutrition advice, then wonder why they didn’t work long-term.

I used various food avoidance behaviors, sometimes going most of the day without food, then binging at night.
