As the last few days of 2011 whisk by, it’s time for our annual contest where YOU guess how many exercise sessions I completed this year.  The winner will receive a set of Catalyst products, including workbooks and CD audio classes worth $295.99, that will illuminate the journey to permanent weight loss!

For anyone who’s new to this blog, I’m a proponent of non-diet, permanent weight loss through true lifestyle change.  After all, diets are temporary ways to eat, while changing behavior and the deeper needs for food are modifications that last forever.

My weight loss is close to 90 lbs. and my weight loss will be sustained 12 years on March 13, 2012!

After years of battling excess weight and yo-yo-ing up and down the scale, often attaining and keeping goal weights for 5 weeks, 5 days (or 5 minutes!), I got wise to the diet game and began to make the deeper changes to my mental, emotional and spiritual approach to weight, health and life.

Exercise long ago became a fixture in my life. I love it. It’s the only investment of time and energy I know that pays you back a thousand times and a thousand ways. Stress-busting, muscle building, attitude adjusting… exercise is absolutely necessary for anyone who has a sedentary job. As a writer and coach, I spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. Since my weight loss clients are located around the world, I do most of my coaching by phone, which means more sitting.

I long ago divorced the idea of exercise from calories.  I exercise because my body asks for it and I have learned to listen.  It took a while for me to learn my body’s language so I could hear those messages (I spent about 20 years saying “I hate exercise” and once held a bona fide certification in couch potato-ing!) but now, if I don’t move much for a while, I can actually feel my blood moving more slowly and the congestion builds in my stress bank.

I have also learned that excessive exercise, especially with long sessions, is detrimental to weight loss because part of the body’s resiliency means it adjusts to what you give it.

Amping up exercise just to lose weight means having to exercise at that level forever.   That leads to injury or burnout!  Since my aim is long-term, sustained weight loss, I exercise in a way that is consistent and fun.

I track my exercise in the easiest possible way – by photocopying a simple monthly calendar and filling it in day by day. At the end of the month, I tally how many days “qualify” as exercise days and how many don’t.

Minimum Activity Level = 30 minutes walking is the minimum amount of activity to qualify as a session.

2009’s totals were: 346 exercise days and 19 non-activity days.

2010’s totals were: 351 exercise days and 14 non-activity days.

What do you think my numbers for 2011 are?

I’ll warn you!  It’s a hard contest this year!

Post your guess here and you’re entered!  Tweet, retweet or post on Facebook for an additional opportunity to win the second place prize!

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