Ever have one of those weeks when the timing is just OFF?

Missed connections. Rescheduled appointments. Frustration.

Then, my son had a car accident. No injuries – WHEW! Lots of details take my attention. I make space for it.

Then, the internet goes down!

And doesn’t come back with simple fixes. Hours on phone with Earthlink.

Internet still down. More hours on the phone with Earthlink.

Extreme frustration!

I plan an escape. Off to the pool to work on editing audio recordings for my next educational product.

As kids we had the energy to play all day.

As kids we had the energy to play all day.

Ha! No internet needed, just my ipod loaded with recordings.

I-pod won’t work!!! Blech!!!

Clearly I’m not meant to edit/work. So, I tune into my surroundings:

Water, turquoise.

Children’s voices.



Two tiny boys, twins. They must be 4 years old. No parent in sight but they traipse up to the diving board like it’s their toy room. (Lifeguards are present but, the point is, they have no fear.)

The lifeguard urges one to dive head first. The little guy makes a perfect steeple with his arms above his head, then jumps in feet first.

A gaggle of girls appear. Corlorful suits. They have confidence. Did I have any at that age? They adjust the settings on the board like they own the universe. No second thoughts. They know how much bounce they want in life.

They are all shapes and sizes and colors. Their suits are beautiful and not.

Here’s the commonality:

They are in their bodies. Connected. True.

They haven’t learned to compare themselves to each other, to their moms, or to some anorexic supermodel.

They have strength and energy. They dive and dive and dive.

It reminds me of when my son was small and he would dive for hours. He’d get really mad when the guards called for “Adult Swim”, the imposed rest period for kids.

You see, kids don’t rest unless you make them. They go and go and go.

They seem to realize they’re here on earth to play and their bodies are the conduit. No questions.

Effortlessly, solid, happy. Clapping in delight for each other.

It strikes me that most frustration comes from not playing enough. Or, when frustration comes along, it’s a sign to play.

We all have a little piece of these amazing little girls inside us:

– The energy of playing outside all day and refusing to come in for dinner because we’re having so much fun.

– The beauty of our true body shape, no matter what that is, at a healthy weight.

– Doing what feel effortless.

– Clapping in delight for each other.

Here’s to playing more.

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